Westminster Home Connection, a nonprofit construction agency, serves older adults and people with disabilities whose homes have become unsafe places to live, due to issues of function or mobility.
Our low-cost improvements give homeowners a way to remain in the home they love and in the communities where they’ve built their lives.
What We Do
Solve a crisis with us: We offer a practical solution to affordable housing.
As home prices and construction costs continue to soar, Middle Tennessee will never be able to build its way out of the affordable housing crisis. The Westminster Home Connection model preserves the affordability of existing homes at a nominal cost by ensuring they’re livable for the current homeowners.
Give relief with us: We give people a path to age in place safely and with dignity.
Serving Middle Tennesseans in seven counties, our construction teams resolve safety, mobility, and functionality issues, including step-in bathtubs, wheelchair ramps, electrical issues, and leaky pipes, that might otherwise cause homeowners to be forced to leave their homes.
Make an impact with us: We encourage others to repair and modify homes in their communities.
Every community has members in need of critical home repairs and mobility modifications. Let us help you help them. Volunteer groups have unique skills and interests, so whether you want to be a fully independent construction team, receive project referrals, or simply join a supervised project led by our experienced leaders there is a place for you to help.
2023 By the Numbers
Newly safe and functional homes
Total home projects completed
Volunter hours logged
Clients served
Volunteers engaged