Working With Us
Client Eligibility Requirements
We work with older adults or people with a disability in the following Middle Tennessee counties: Davidson, Cheatham, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson and Wilson counties.
Applicants must have a total household income less than 80% of area median income
One or more home residents must be over the age of 60, or have a disability.
One of the residents must own the home. (Note: We will make mobility modifications for both homeowners and renters, with approval by the property owner.)
Applying for Services
Most of our clients have multiple needs in addition to home repairs. To ensure our clients have access to a variety of support services, we take applications directly from case managers. Westminster's referral partners continue to expand as we aim to work with those with the greatest needs.
Case managers can contact us for information on the application process and the eligibility requirements.
If you are a potential client without case management, you may contact us based on where you live:
Davidson or Williamson county residents: call FiftyForward’s Intake line at 615-743-3416
Robertson, Sumner, Wilson, Rutherford, Cheatham county residents: call our office at 615-693-2153.
If you are interested in volunteering, you can read more about our program and fill out a waiver release form.